Email Exchanges with Personal Information Redacted

From: Maxwell Andrade
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2024 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: Increase in tax preparation payment bill


Before you leaving the office after everything you have said, I asked you if you have any additional questions, and you answered: No.

I explained seated by your side, the 2022 invoice and 2023 invoice and even gave you the summary of all the forms worked on your tax return. I showed you that for 2022, even though our system shows a work value at $407, you have paid us $296. And for 2023 I showed you that the work done based on the tax forms your tax return requires, the correct price would be $432, however the professional tax preparer invoiced you $378., after the work was done and tax return results was given during your online appointment.

However, when you came to the office to sign and get your hard-copy, after our front desk assistant informed the open invoice amount of $378., you started to speak loudly that the increase was an ABSURD and continued complaining. Not at any moment you asked to be seeing by the Manager or speak privately. It was so loud that I heard you from my office room, and came to the lobby to continue assistance. Without directing a word to you, I told my assistant that I would continue assisting you, when another client came in to sign and pay for his services as well and started to be assisted by our front of the house agent. I took the time to print the invoices to go over with you, then I asked you for 2 minutes for me to go to the back to get the prints as the front desk small printer runned out or ink. You didn’t like it and said you have another appointment, I replied that you would have to wait a little bit more. While I was in the back gathering the papers, I heard you once again complaining out loud that every year we increase our price at $80 to $100 dollars and that was an absurd. I came back, with the papers and at that point I started to explain to you the invoices, that our price never increased 80-100 dollars every year, and that our system tells us the price based on the work done. After explainning that we were charging less than what the system informed and would be okay to ask for a discount, but coming to the office complaining out-loud in front of other customer was not acceptable… you’ve started your arguments once again… while other customer was still being assisted. I tried to talk, but you continued your arguments… then I ASKED; what do you wanna do? Pay the right price of $432 or the $378 we are invoicing you for 2023? And you reply: I will pay the $422, and I said, it is $432, and you said again I will pay. I went back to the computer and adjsuted your invoice.

378 original invoice amount
54 adjusted by ZZZZZ, GM
Equals: $432

Then you tendered the cash to your son to bring to me. I counted the money and you gave $422 in cash. Then I applied the $10 discount, which dropped the invoice from $432, to $422, which was the amount you chose to pay.

Regarding the discount description of $15 and $50, it is our policy discounts.

For individual services over $89 invoice, IF the client asks for a discount, our team is authorized to give $15 discount without any hustle; And for Corporate services over $189 invoice, IF the corporate client asks for a discount, our team is authorized to give $50 discount.

Unfortunately, you didn’t came to the office to ask for a discount. Over the phone you didn’t ask for a discount, and you were told that the services invoice was $378.

Perharps you were having a bad-day, and I wish I could have address it differently, but giving it the circumstances and on april 13th, the way it happened in front of our employee and other clients… it got out of the control to handle it peacefully.

Wish you the best of luck.

If you have any questions, please ask it directly to me.


Managing Member of
459 Broadway Suite 102 | Everett | MA | 02149

Whats App: ZZZZZ

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This e-mail message and all attachments transmitted herewith are VIPTAX/client privileged, trade secret and/or confidential information intended only for the viewing and use of addressee. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, use, communication, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by telephone or electronic mail, and delete this message and all copies and backups thereof. Thank you for your cooperation.

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Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2024 8:00 PM
Subject: Re: Increase in tax preparation payment bill

Since you did my tax return on 2022 and 2023. Could you please explain what kind of extra work was done? The draft calculation is on the bill with cost $0,00 and I can see that my bill price was adjusted by ZZZZZ on the amount of $54.00. The information on the bill is:

Limits and Restrictions Apply:
1 – $15 Individual or DBA (services over $89)
2 – $50 Corporate(services over $189).

Since I am not a corporate, looks like I was overcharged. Also, this amount was added by ZZZZZ after he gets upset, disrespectful, unprofessional, intolerant and rude, just because I complained about the abusive high price for 2023 tax return preparation related to 2022, what is my right as a consumer. You can see that none of amount matches, included the supposed discount that he put on my bill ($10). He also was unable to handle the problem properly. That’s why I am trying to talk to you. You were always polite, professional, respectful. and I still trust you. As you see my total bill was $422.00. This amount increases my tax return preparation in 48.9%.


From: Joyce Oliveira
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2024 8:00 PM
Subject: Re: Increase in tax preparation payment bill


I believe ZZZZZ (our General Manager) went over with you the charges of 2023 tax preparation, also he compared with 2022 tax preparation, as company we have the system in place to calculate the work done based on the forms filed on the tax preparation.

If there are any additional questions on this matter he should be contacted directly: ZZZZZ

On a personal note: As the agent assisting/working on it, I can confirm that 2023 was more time consuming with the drafts, calculations, payment agreement when compared to 2022.


Joyce Oliveira | OM
Office Manager
459 Broadway Suite 102 | Everett | MA | 02149


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Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2024 1:35 PM
Subject: Increase in tax preparation payment bill


I believe that you printed my tax preparation bill when you did my tax return (2023) in the amount of $378.00. My bill for (2022) was a total of $296.00. As a DBA.

U.S. Individual tax return preparation Service —————–$250.00
E-file: Federal and State ————————————————$7.00
VIPTAX Shield audit protection plan——————————- $39.00

U.S. Individual tax return preparation Service—————–$325.00
E-file: Federal and State ——————————————–$ 14.00
VIPTAX Shield audit protection plan——————————$ 39.00

The amount for U.S. Individual tax return preparation Service, increased 30% and E-file Federal and State fee increased 100%. If you could you explain to me why VIPTAX had this much increase in Income Tax preparation service, since the USA inflation in 2023 was 3.4, I will appreciate it.